# This script will do the following # 1. Install OpenSSH # 2. Make a user named Ansible # 3. Give account sudo # 4. Confirm SSH is active and running # If you want to change how SSH is configured you will need to update the config by hand. Currently not supported by this script. # Use of this script is without warranty. Use at your own risk. echo "Installing OpenSSH Server" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install openssh-server -y echo "Going to create user: ansible" sudo adduser ansible echo "Giving ansible sudo permissions" sudo usermod -aG sudo ansible sudo systemctl status ssh echo "Install is complete. Test ansible!" echo "If you want to change the port, check this scripts config on how to" # Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config # Uncomment #Port 22 # Change the port number # Save and Close # Change the port from commented to uncommented # If it is already uncommented, this will do nothing. #sed -i "/#PORT =.*/PORT = $port" ~/cfg # Change the port to what we want #sed -i "s/PORT/= .*/= $port" ~/cfg