# Ansible This repo contains my configuration and setup for my ansible use. Use at your own risk. ## Installers ### New hosts #### Linux ```bash wget https://github.com/luther38/Ansible/blob/master/scripts/installAnsible.sh chmod 777 installAnsible.sh ./installOpenSSH.sh ``` #### Windows ```powershell ``` Review the installAnsible.sh for quick setup. Make sure you run the commands out of this folder so things work as desired. ## Configuration I have a basic configuration file in place at the root of this folder for anisble to find. ## Inventory I have a template file in place that should only be used as a refrence. Make a copy of that file and name it hosts then update that file. ## Testing Inventory ### Testing Linux devices ```bash ansible linux -i hosts -m ping ``` ### Testing Windows devices ```bash ansible windows -i hosts -m win_ping ```