diff --git a/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Migrations/20230805060324_add author table.Designer.cs b/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Migrations/20230805060324_add author table.Designer.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d45814 --- /dev/null +++ b/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Migrations/20230805060324_add author table.Designer.cs @@ -0,0 +1,575 @@ +// +using System; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ValueConversion; +using Newsbot.Collector.Database; +using Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL.Metadata; + +#nullable disable + +namespace Newsbot.Collector.Database.Migrations +{ + [DbContext(typeof(DatabaseContext))] + [Migration("20230805060324_add author table")] + partial class addauthortable + { + /// + protected override void BuildTargetModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) + { +#pragma warning disable 612, 618 + modelBuilder + .HasAnnotation("ProductVersion", "7.0.8") + .HasAnnotation("Relational:MaxIdentifierLength", 63); + + NpgsqlModelBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumns(modelBuilder); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityRole", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("ConcurrencyStamp") + .IsConcurrencyToken() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Name") + .HasMaxLength(256) + .HasColumnType("character varying(256)"); + + b.Property("NormalizedName") + .HasMaxLength(256) + .HasColumnType("character varying(256)"); + + b.HasKey("Id"); + + b.HasIndex("NormalizedName") + .IsUnique() + .HasDatabaseName("RoleNameIndex"); + + b.ToTable("AspNetRoles", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityRoleClaim", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("ClaimType") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("ClaimValue") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("RoleId") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.HasKey("Id"); + + b.HasIndex("RoleId"); + + b.ToTable("AspNetRoleClaims", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUser", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("AccessFailedCount") + .HasColumnType("integer"); + + b.Property("ConcurrencyStamp") + .IsConcurrencyToken() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Email") + .HasMaxLength(256) + .HasColumnType("character varying(256)"); + + b.Property("EmailConfirmed") + .HasColumnType("boolean"); + + b.Property("LockoutEnabled") + .HasColumnType("boolean"); + + b.Property("LockoutEnd") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone"); + + b.Property("NormalizedEmail") + .HasMaxLength(256) + .HasColumnType("character varying(256)"); + + b.Property("NormalizedUserName") + .HasMaxLength(256) + .HasColumnType("character varying(256)"); + + b.Property("PasswordHash") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("PhoneNumber") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("PhoneNumberConfirmed") + .HasColumnType("boolean"); + + b.Property("SecurityStamp") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("TwoFactorEnabled") + .HasColumnType("boolean"); + + b.Property("UserName") + .HasMaxLength(256) + .HasColumnType("character varying(256)"); + + b.HasKey("Id"); + + b.HasIndex("NormalizedEmail") + .HasDatabaseName("EmailIndex"); + + b.HasIndex("NormalizedUserName") + .IsUnique() + .HasDatabaseName("UserNameIndex"); + + b.ToTable("AspNetUsers", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUserClaim", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("ClaimType") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("ClaimValue") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.HasKey("Id"); + + b.HasIndex("UserId"); + + b.ToTable("AspNetUserClaims", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUserLogin", b => + { + b.Property("LoginProvider") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("ProviderKey") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("ProviderDisplayName") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.HasKey("LoginProvider", "ProviderKey"); + + b.HasIndex("UserId"); + + b.ToTable("AspNetUserLogins", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUserRole", b => + { + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("RoleId") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.HasKey("UserId", "RoleId"); + + b.HasIndex("RoleId"); + + b.ToTable("AspNetUserRoles", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUserToken", b => + { + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("LoginProvider") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Name") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Value") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.HasKey("UserId", "LoginProvider", "Name"); + + b.ToTable("AspNetUserTokens", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Entities.ArticlesEntity", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.Property("AuthorId") + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.Property("CodeIsCommit") + .HasColumnType("boolean"); + + b.Property("CodeIsRelease") + .HasColumnType("boolean"); + + b.Property("Description") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("PubDate") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone"); + + b.Property("SourceId") + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.Property("Tags") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Thumbnail") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Title") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Url") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Video") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("VideoHeight") + .HasColumnType("integer"); + + b.Property("VideoWidth") + .HasColumnType("integer"); + + b.HasKey("Id"); + + b.ToTable("Articles"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Entities.AuthorEntity", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.Property("Image") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Name") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("SourceId") + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.HasKey("Id"); + + b.ToTable("Authors"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Entities.DiscordNotificationEntity", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.Property("CodeAllowCommits") + .HasColumnType("boolean"); + + b.Property("CodeAllowReleases") + .HasColumnType("boolean"); + + b.Property("DiscordWebHookId") + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.Property("SourceId") + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.HasKey("Id"); + + b.ToTable("DiscordNotification"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Entities.DiscordQueueEntity", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.Property("ArticleId") + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.HasKey("Id"); + + b.ToTable("DiscordQueue"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Entities.DiscordWebhookEntity", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.Property("Channel") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Enabled") + .HasColumnType("boolean"); + + b.Property("Server") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Url") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.HasKey("Id"); + + b.HasIndex("UserId"); + + b.ToTable("DiscordWebhooks"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Entities.IconEntity", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.Property("FileName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Site") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("SourceId") + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.HasKey("Id"); + + b.ToTable("Icons"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Entities.RefreshTokenEntity", b => + { + b.Property("Token") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("CreatedDate") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone"); + + b.Property("ExpiryDate") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone"); + + b.Property("Invalidated") + .HasColumnType("boolean"); + + b.Property("JwtId") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Used") + .HasColumnType("boolean"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.HasKey("Token"); + + b.HasIndex("UserId"); + + b.ToTable("RefreshTokens"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Entities.SourceEntity", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.Property("Deleted") + .HasColumnType("boolean"); + + b.Property("Enabled") + .HasColumnType("boolean"); + + b.Property("Name") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Site") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Source") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Tags") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Type") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Url") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("Value") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.Property("YoutubeId") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.HasKey("Id"); + + b.ToTable("Sources"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Entities.UserSourceSubscriptionEntity", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.Property("DateAdded") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone"); + + b.Property("SourceId") + .HasColumnType("uuid"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("text"); + + b.HasKey("Id"); + + b.HasIndex("UserId"); + + b.ToTable("UserSourceSubscription"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityRoleClaim", b => + { + b.HasOne("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityRole", null) + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoleId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired(); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUserClaim", b => + { + b.HasOne("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUser", null) + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired(); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUserLogin", b => + { + b.HasOne("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUser", null) + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired(); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUserRole", b => + { + b.HasOne("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityRole", null) + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoleId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired(); + + b.HasOne("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUser", null) + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired(); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUserToken", b => + { + b.HasOne("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUser", null) + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired(); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Entities.DiscordWebhookEntity", b => + { + b.HasOne("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUser", "User") + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("UserId"); + + b.Navigation("User"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Entities.RefreshTokenEntity", b => + { + b.HasOne("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUser", "User") + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("UserId"); + + b.Navigation("User"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Entities.UserSourceSubscriptionEntity", b => + { + b.HasOne("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityUser", "User") + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("UserId"); + + b.Navigation("User"); + }); +#pragma warning restore 612, 618 + } + } +} diff --git a/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Migrations/20230805060324_add author table.cs b/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Migrations/20230805060324_add author table.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc98ec6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Migrations/20230805060324_add author table.cs @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +using System; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; + +#nullable disable + +namespace Newsbot.Collector.Database.Migrations +{ + /// + public partial class addauthortable : Migration + { + /// + protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) + { + migrationBuilder.DropColumn( + name: "AuthorImage", + table: "Articles"); + + migrationBuilder.DropColumn( + name: "AuthorName", + table: "Articles"); + + migrationBuilder.AddColumn( + name: "AuthorId", + table: "Articles", + type: "uuid", + nullable: false, + defaultValue: new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")); + } + + /// + protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) + { + migrationBuilder.DropColumn( + name: "AuthorId", + table: "Articles"); + + migrationBuilder.AddColumn( + name: "AuthorImage", + table: "Articles", + type: "text", + nullable: true); + + migrationBuilder.AddColumn( + name: "AuthorName", + table: "Articles", + type: "text", + nullable: false, + defaultValue: ""); + } + } +} diff --git a/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Migrations/DatabaseContextModelSnapshot.cs b/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Migrations/DatabaseContextModelSnapshot.cs index 8677532..f349ad0 100644 --- a/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Migrations/DatabaseContextModelSnapshot.cs +++ b/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Migrations/DatabaseContextModelSnapshot.cs @@ -224,12 +224,8 @@ namespace Newsbot.Collector.Database.Migrations .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("uuid"); - b.Property("AuthorImage") - .HasColumnType("text"); - - b.Property("AuthorName") - .IsRequired() - .HasColumnType("text"); + b.Property("AuthorId") + .HasColumnType("uuid"); b.Property("CodeIsCommit") .HasColumnType("boolean"); diff --git a/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Repositories/AuthorsTable.cs b/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Repositories/AuthorsTable.cs index 0d24a3a..ecd093f 100644 --- a/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Repositories/AuthorsTable.cs +++ b/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Repositories/AuthorsTable.cs @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Entities; using Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Interfaces; @@ -18,30 +19,49 @@ public class AuthorsTable : IAuthorTable _context = context; } - public AuthorEntity New(AuthorEntity entity) + public async Task NewAsync(AuthorEntity entity) { entity.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); _context.Authors.Add(entity); - _context.SaveChanges(); + await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return entity; } - public List ListBySourceId(Guid sourceId) + public async Task CreateIfMissingAsync(AuthorEntity entity) { - return _context.Authors - .Where(s => s.SourceId.Equals(sourceId)).ToList(); + var res = await GetBySourceIdAndNameAsync(entity.SourceId, entity.Name); + if (res is null) + { + entity.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); + _context.Authors.Add(entity); + await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); + return entity; + } + + return res; } - public int TotalPosts(Guid id) + public async Task> ListBySourceIdAsync(Guid sourceId) { - return _context.Authors.Count(x => x.Id.Equals(id)); + return await _context.Authors + .Where(s => s.SourceId.Equals(sourceId)).ToListAsync(); } - public AuthorEntity? GetBySourceIdAndName(Guid sourceId, string name) + public async Task TotalPostsAsync(Guid id) { - return _context.Authors + return await _context.Authors.CountAsync(x => x.Id.Equals(id)); + } + + public async Task GetBySourceIdAndNameAsync(Guid sourceId, string name) + { + return await _context.Authors .Where(s => s.SourceId.Equals(sourceId)) - .FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name.Equals(name)); + .FirstOrDefaultAsync(n => n.Name.Equals(name)); } + + public async Task GetById(Guid id) + { + return await _context.Authors.FirstOrDefaultAsync(q => q.Id.Equals(id)); + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Newsbot.Collector.Domain/Entities/ArticlesEntity.cs b/Newsbot.Collector.Domain/Entities/ArticlesEntity.cs index 626e2c1..47ad792 100644 --- a/Newsbot.Collector.Domain/Entities/ArticlesEntity.cs +++ b/Newsbot.Collector.Domain/Entities/ArticlesEntity.cs @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ public class ArticlesEntity { public Guid Id { get; set; } public Guid SourceId { get; set; } + public Guid AuthorId { get; set; } public string Tags { get; set; } = ""; public string Title { get; set; } = ""; public string? Url { get; set; } @@ -13,8 +14,6 @@ public class ArticlesEntity public int VideoWidth { get; set; } = 0; public string Thumbnail { get; set; } = ""; public string Description { get; set; } = ""; - public string AuthorName { get; set; } = ""; - public string? AuthorImage { get; set; } public bool CodeIsRelease { get; set; } public bool CodeIsCommit { get; set; } } \ No newline at end of file