features/role-updates #18

jtom38 merged 8 commits from features/role-updates into main 2023-08-06 13:39:48 -07:00
1 changed files with 1 additions and 0 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 97fc34481c - Show all commits

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ public interface ISourcesRepository
public List<SourceEntity> List(int page, int count);
public List<SourceEntity> ListBySource(string source,int page, int limit);
public List<SourceEntity> ListByType(string type,int page, int limit = 25);
public Task<int> TotalByTypeAsync(string type);
public int Disable(Guid id);
public int Enable(Guid id);
public void Delete(Guid id);