James Tombleson 9be985da0a
Features/adding youtube (#13)
* Found the meta tags on youtube... in the body and updated the client to pull them out.

* Updated namespace on test

* I think formatting cleaned this up

* Seed migrations have been cleaned up to get my configs out and moving them to a script.

* Updates to the ISourcesRepository.cs to allow for new calls to the db.

* formatter

* Db models updated. Icon now can track sourceID and source can have a youtube id.

* Updated api logger to ignore otel if no connection string given.

* updated docker init so I can run migrations from the image

* seed was updated to reflect the new api changes

* Updated the SourcesController.cs to grab icon data.

* Added reddit const values

* Minor changes to HtmlPageReader.cs

* Jobs are now pulling in the config section to bundle values.

* Removed youtube api, not needed anymore.

* test updates
2023-03-31 22:49:39 -07:00

34 lines
794 B

FROM golang:latest as goose
RUN go install
FROM as build
COPY . /app
RUN dotnet restore
RUN dotnet build
FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o /app/publish
RUN dotnet publish -o build
#--self-contained true -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract=true
RUN ls build
FROM as app
ENV DOTNET_URLS=http://*:5000
#RUN apt-get install chromium -y
RUN mkdir /migrations
COPY --from=publish /app/build /app
COPY --from=build ./app/Newsbot.Collector.Database/Migrations/ /app/migrations
COPY --from=goose /go/bin/goose /app
CMD [ "dotnet", "Newsbot.Collector.Api.dll" ]