James Tombleson 84b4137bdd
Features/codeproject/subscription options (#28)
* Updated migrations to add new columns to subscriptions

* repos updated with new columns

* dto updated with new columns

* subscription model was updated

* DiscordNotificationJob.cs was updated to reflect subscription options

* updated seed for codeproject subscriptions
2023-04-13 22:13:06 -07:00

165 lines
6.0 KiB

param (
[string] $ApiServer = "http://localhost:5011",
[string] $JsonSecrets = "./seed.secrets.json"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
function New-RedditSource {
param (
[string] $Name
$param = "name=$Name"
$uri = "$ApiServer/api/sources/new/reddit?$param"
Write-Host "Adding Reddit: $Name"
$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $uri
return $res
function New-RssSource {
param (
[string] $Name,
[string] $Url
$urlEncoded = [uri]::EscapeDataString($Url)
$param = "name=$Name&url=$urlEncoded"
Write-Host "Adding RSS: $Name"
[string] $uri = "$ApiServer/api/sources/new/rss?$param"
$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $uri
return $res
function New-YoutubeSource {
param (
[string] $Url
$urlEncoded = [uri]::EscapeDataString($Url)
[string] $param = "url=$urlEncoded"
[string] $uri = "$ApiServer/api/sources/new/youtube?$param"
Write-Host = "Adding YouTube: $Url"
$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $uri
return $res
function New-TwitchSource {
param (
[string] $Name
[string] $param = "name=$Name"
[string] $uri = "$ApiServer/api/sources/new/twitch?$param"
Write-Host "Adding Twitch: $Name"
$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $uri
return $res
function New-CodeProject {
param (
[string] $Url
$urlEncoded = [uri]::EscapeDataString($Url)
[string] $param = "url=$urlEncoded"
[string] $uri = "$ApiServer/api/sources/new/codeproject?$param"
Write-Host "Adding CodeProject '$url'"
$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $uri
return $res
function New-DiscordWebhook {
param (
[string] $Server,
[string] $Channel,
[string] $Url
$urlEncoded = [uri]::EscapeDataString($Url)
[string] $param = "server=$Server&channel=$Channel&url=$urlEncoded"
[string] $uri = "$ApiServer/api/discord/webhooks?$param"
Write-Host $uri
$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $uri
return $res
function New-Subscription {
param (
[string] $SourceId,
[string] $DiscordWebhookId
[string] $param = "sourceId=$SourceId&discordId=$DiscordWebhookId"
[string] $uri = "$ApiServer/api/subscriptions?$param"
$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $uri
return $res
function New-CodeProjectSubscription {
param (
[string] $SourceId,
[string] $DiscordWebhookId,
[switch] $AllowReleases = $false,
[switch] $AllowCommits = $false
[string] $param = "sourceId=$SourceId&discordId=$DiscordWebhookId&allowReleases=$AllowReleases&allowCommits=$AllowCommits"
[string] $uri = "$ApiServer/api/subscriptions/new/codeproject?$param"
$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $uri
return $res
# Load Secrets file
$secrets = Get-Content $JsonSecrets -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$redditDadJokes = New-RedditSource -Name "dadjokes"
$redditSteamDeck = New-RedditSource -Name "steamdeck"
$rssSteamDeck = New-RssSource -Name "Steampowered - Steam Deck" -Url ""
$rssFaysHaremporium = New-RssSource -Name "Fay's Haremporium" -Url ""
$rssPodcastLetsMosley = New-RssSource -Name "Let's Mosley" -Url ""
$rssOmgLinux = New-RssSource -Name "Omg! Linux" -Url ""
$rssEngadget = New-RssSource -Name "Engadget" -Url ""
$rssArsTechnica = New-RssSource -Name "Ars Technica" -Url ""
$youtubeGameGrumps = New-YoutubeSource -Url ""
$youtubeCityPlannerPlays = New-YoutubeSource -Url ""
$youtubeLinusTechTips = New-YoutubeSource -Url ""
$youtubeFireship = New-YoutubeSource -Url ""
$youtubeClimateTown = New-YoutubeSource -Url ""
$codeDotnet = New-CodeProject -Url ""
#$codePython = New-CodeProject -Url ""
#$codeGolang = New-CodeProject -Url ""
#$codePowerShell = New-CodeProject -Url ""
#$codeLinux = New-CodeProject -Url ""
$twitchNintendo = New-TwitchSource -Name "Nintendo"
$miharuMonitor = New-DiscordWebhook -Server "Miharu Monitor" -Channel "dev" -Url $secrets.MiharuMonitor.dev02
$sky = New-DiscordWebhook -Server "Let's Mosley" -Channel "bot test" -url $secrets.LetsMosley.test
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-CodeProjectSubscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $ -AllowReleases
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $
New-Subscription -SourceId $ -DiscordWebhookId $