James Tombleson 39bf92dd53
Features/codeprojects/disable commit checks (#30)
* hard disable for checking commits till I can debug it more

* New HtmlCode method added
2023-05-25 21:42:32 -07:00

199 lines
6.8 KiB

using Newsbot.Collector.Database.Repositories;
using Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Interfaces;
using Newsbot.Collector.Domain.Models;
using Newsbot.Collector.Services.Notifications.Discord;
using Serilog;
namespace Newsbot.Collector.Services.Jobs;
public class MessageTypeNotRequestedException : Exception
public MessageTypeNotRequestedException()
public MessageTypeNotRequestedException(string message) : base(message)
public MessageTypeNotRequestedException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner)
public class DiscordNotificationJobOptions
public string? ConnectionString { get; init; }
public string? OpenTelemetry { get; init; }
public bool IsEnabled { get; init; }
public class DiscordNotificationJob
private const string JobName = "DiscordNotifications";
private IArticlesRepository _article;
private IIconsRepository _icons;
private ILogger _logger;
private IDiscordQueueRepository _queue;
private ISourcesRepository _sources;
private ISubscriptionRepository _subs;
private IDiscordWebHooksRepository _webhook;
public DiscordNotificationJob()
_queue = new DiscordQueueTable("");
_article = new ArticlesTable("");
_webhook = new DiscordWebhooksTable("");
_sources = new SourcesTable("");
_subs = new SubscriptionsTable("");
_icons = new IconsTable("");
_logger = JobLogger.GetLogger("", JobName);
public void InitAndExecute(DiscordNotificationJobOptions options)
_queue = new DiscordQueueTable(options.ConnectionString ?? "");
_article = new ArticlesTable(options.ConnectionString ?? "");
_webhook = new DiscordWebhooksTable(options.ConnectionString ?? "");
_sources = new SourcesTable(options.ConnectionString ?? "");
_subs = new SubscriptionsTable(options.ConnectionString ?? "");
_icons = new IconsTable(options.ConnectionString ?? "");
_logger = JobLogger.GetLogger(options.OpenTelemetry ?? "", JobName);
if (!options.IsEnabled)
_logger.Warning($"{JobName} - Going to exit because feature flag is off.");
_logger.Information($"{JobName} - Starting up the job.");
private void Execute()
//collect all the new requests
var requests = _queue.List(100);
_logger.Debug($"{JobName} - Collected {requests.Count} items to send");
foreach (var request in requests) ProcessQueueItem(request);
_logger.Information($"{JobName} - Loop has been completed.");
public void ProcessQueueItem(DiscordQueueModel request)
_logger.Debug($"{JobName} - Processing {request.ID}");
// Get all details on the article in the queue
var articleDetails = _article.GetById(request.ArticleID);
// Get the details of the source
var sourceDetails = _sources.GetByID(articleDetails.SourceID);
if (sourceDetails.ID == Guid.Empty)
$"{JobName} - Article ({articleDetails.ID}) was linked to a empty Source ID. Removing from the queue.");
var sourceIcon = new IconModel();
sourceIcon = _icons.GetBySourceId(sourceDetails.ID);
_logger.Warning("{JobName} - Source ID \'{SourceDetailsId}\' is missing an icon", JobName,
// Find all the subscriptions for that source
var allSubscriptions = _subs.ListBySourceID(sourceDetails.ID);
foreach (var sub in allSubscriptions)
SendSubscriptionNotification(request.ID, articleDetails, sourceDetails, sourceIcon, sub);
_logger.Debug("{JobName} - Removing {RequestId} from the queue", JobName, request.ID);
public void SendSubscriptionNotification(Guid requestId, ArticlesModel articleDetails, SourceModel sourceDetails,
IconModel sourceIcon, SubscriptionModel sub)
// Check if the subscription code flags
// If the article is a code commit and the subscription does not want them, skip.
if (articleDetails.CodeIsCommit && !sub.CodeAllowCommits) throw new MessageTypeNotRequestedException("Message was a code commit and was not requested by the subscription.");
// same for releases
if (articleDetails.CodeIsRelease && !sub.CodeAllowReleases) throw new MessageTypeNotRequestedException("Message was a code release and was not requested by the subscription");
// find the discord webhooks we need to post to
var discordDetails = _webhook.GetByID(sub.DiscordWebHookId);
if (discordDetails.Enabled == false) return;
var client = new DiscordWebhookClient(discordDetails.Url);
client.SendMessage(GenerateDiscordMessage(sourceDetails, articleDetails, sourceIcon));
catch (Exception e)
_logger.Error("Failed to post message to Discord. {ErrorMessage}", e.Message);
_logger.Debug("Queue Record: {RequestId}", requestId);
_logger.Debug("Article: {ArticleDetailsId}", articleDetails.ID);
_logger.Debug("Source: {SourceDetailsId}", sourceDetails.ID);
_logger.Debug("Subscription: {SubId}", sub.Id);
public DiscordMessage GenerateDiscordMessage(SourceModel source, ArticlesModel article, IconModel icon)
var embed = new DiscordMessageEmbed
Title = article.Title,
Color = DiscordMessageEmbedColors.Red,
Description = MessageValidation.ConvertHtmlCodes(article.Description),
Author = new DiscordMessageEmbedAuthor
Name = article.AuthorName,
IconUrl = icon.FileName
Footer = new DiscordMessageEmbedFooter
Text = "Brought to you by Newsbot"
Fields = new DiscordMessageEmbedField[]
Name = "Link",
Value = article.URL,
Inline = false
if (article.URL is not null && article.URL != "") embed.Url = article.URL;
if (article.Thumbnail != "")
embed.Image = new DiscordMessageEmbedImage
Url = article.Thumbnail
if (article.AuthorImage is not null && article.AuthorImage != "") embed.Author.IconUrl = article.AuthorImage;
return new DiscordMessage
Embeds = new[]