title: "James Tombleson" baseURL: "http://jtom38.github.io" languageCode: "en-us" theme: ["github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke"] SectionPagesMenu: "main" Paginate: 9 googleAnalytics: "" enableRobotsTXT: true enableEmoji: true sitemap: changefreq: "monthly" priority: 0.5 filename: "sitemap.xml" params: text_color: "" author: "James Tombleson" favicon: "" site_logo: "" description: "The last theme you'll ever need. Maybe." # choose a background color from any on this page: https://tachyons.io/docs/themes/skins/ and preface it with "bg-" background_color_class: "bg-black" recent_posts_number: 3 ananke_socials: - name: github url: https://github.com/jtom38 - name: rss url: index.xml social: github: jtom38 rss: