This commit is contained in:
jtom38 2022-06-27 22:14:44 +00:00
commit cdcaabd8ab
84 changed files with 3824 additions and 0 deletions

.nojekyll Normal file
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404.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<!doctype html><html lang=en class="js csstransforms3d"><head><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=description content><link rel=icon href=/cookbook/images/favicon.png type=image/png><title>404 Page not found</title><link href=/cookbook/css/nucleus.css?1656368083 rel=stylesheet><link href=/cookbook/css/fontawesome-all.min.css?1656368083 rel=stylesheet><link href=/cookbook/css/hybrid.css?1656368083 rel=stylesheet><link href=/cookbook/css/featherlight.min.css?1656368083 rel=stylesheet><link href=/cookbook/css/perfect-scrollbar.min.css?1656368083 rel=stylesheet><link href=/cookbook/css/theme.css?1656368083 rel=stylesheet><link href=/cookbook/css/hugo-theme.css?1656368083 rel=stylesheet><style>:root #header+#content>#left>#rlblock_left{display:none!important}p,li,ul{text-align:center}ul{list-style-type:none}</style></head><body data-url=/><section id=body style=margin-left:0><div id=overlay></div><div id=chapter><div id=body-inner><h1>Error</h1><p></p><p>Woops. Looks like this page doesn't exist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.</p><p></p><p><a href=/cookbook>Go to homepage</a></p><p><img src=/images/gopher-404.jpg style=width:50% alt="Page not found!"></p></div></div></section></body></html>

categories/index.html Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

categories/index.xml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom=""><channel><title>Categories on My New Hugo Site</title><link></link><description>Recent content in Categories on My New Hugo Site</description><generator>Hugo --</generator><language>en-us</language><atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/></channel></rss>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
Atom One Dark With support for ReasonML by Gidi Morris, based off work by Daniel Gamage
Original One Dark Syntax theme from
.hljs {
display: block;
overflow-x: auto;
padding: 0.5em;
line-height: 1.3em;
color: #abb2bf;
background: #282c34;
border-radius: 5px;
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text-decoration: underline;

css/auto-complete.css Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
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text-align: left;
cursor: default;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-top: 0;
background: #fff;
box-shadow: -1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.1);
/* core styles should not be changed */
position: absolute;
display: none;
z-index: 9999;
max-height: 254px;
overflow: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
box-sizing: border-box;
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position: relative;
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line-height: 23px;
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overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
color: #333;
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font-weight: normal;
color: #1f8dd6;
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color: #fff;
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color: #fff;
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css/featherlight.min.css vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
* Featherlight - ultra slim jQuery lightbox
* Version 1.7.13 -
* Copyright 2018, Noël Raoul Bossart (
* MIT Licensed.
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css/fontawesome-all.min.css vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

css/hugo-theme.css Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
/* Insert here special css for hugo theme, on top of any other imported css */
/* Table of contents */
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list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 15px;
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/* Redfines headers style */
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figcaption h4 {
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@media only all and (max-width: 47.938em) {
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box-shadow: -1px 2px 5px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

css/hybrid.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
vim-hybrid theme by w0ng (
/*background color*/
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display: block;
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padding: 0.5em;
background: #1d1f21;
/*selection color*/
.hljs span::selection {
background: #373b41;
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background: #373b41;
/*foreground color*/
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color: #c5c8c6;
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.hljs-name {
color: #f0c674;
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.hljs-meta .hljs-keyword {
color: #707880;
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.hljs-link {
color: #cc6666
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color: #b5bd68;
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color: #b294bb;
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color: #81a2be;
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color: #8abeb7;
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color: #de935f;
.hljs-emphasis {
font-style: italic;
.hljs-strong {
font-weight: bold;

css/nucleus.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
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css/perfect-scrollbar.min.css vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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css/tabs.css Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
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css/tags.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
/* Tags */
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background: #fff;

css/theme-blue.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
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color: var(--MENU-SEARCH-BOX-color);
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background: var(--MENU-SEARCH-BG-color);
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background: var(--MENU-SECTIONS-ACTIVE-BG-color);
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color: var(--MENU-SEARCH-BOX-ICONS-color);
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color: var(--MENU-SECTIONS-LINK-color);
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color: var(--MENU-SECTIONS-LINK-HOVER-color);
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background: var(--MENU-SECTION-ACTIVE-CATEGORY-BG-color);
color: var(--MENU-SECTION-ACTIVE-CATEGORY-color) !important;
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border-color: var(--MENU-SECTION-HR-color);
#body .tags a.tag-link {
background-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BG-color);
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border-right-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BG-color);
#homelinks {
background: var(--MENU-HEADER-BG-color);
background-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BORDER-color);
border-bottom-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BORDER-color);
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color: var(--MENU-HOME-LINK-color);
#homelinks a:hover {
color: var(--MENU-HOME-LINK-HOVERED-color);

css/theme-green.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
--MAIN-TEXT-color:#323232; /* Color of text by default */
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--MAIN-ANCHOR-color: #599a3e; /* color of anchors on titles */
--MENU-HOME-LINK-color: #323232; /* Color of the home button text */
--MENU-HOME-LINK-HOVER-color: #5e5e5e; /* Color of the hovered home button text */
--MENU-HEADER-BG-color:#74b559; /* Background color of menu header */
--MENU-HEADER-BORDER-color:#9cd484; /*Color of menu header border */
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--MENU-SEARCH-BOX-color: #84c767; /* Override search field border color */
--MENU-SEARCH-BOX-ICONS-color: #c7f7c4; /* Override search field icons color */
--MENU-SECTIONS-ACTIVE-BG-color:#1b211c; /* Background color of the active section and its childs */
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--MENU-SECTIONS-LINK-color: #ccc; /* Color of links in menu */
--MENU-SECTIONS-LINK-HOVER-color: #e6e6e6; /* Color of links in menu, when hovered */
--MENU-SECTION-ACTIVE-CATEGORY-color: #777; /* Color of active category text */
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h2, h3, h4, h5 {
color: var(--MAIN-TITLES-TEXT-color) !important;
a {
color: var(--MAIN-LINK-color);
.anchor {
color: var(--MAIN-ANCHOR-color);
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-ms-transition: width 0.5s ease;
transition: width 0.5s ease;
background-color: var(--MAIN-LINK-HOVER-color);
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background-color: var(--MENU-SECTIONS-BG-color);
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background: var(--MENU-HEADER-BG-color);
color: var(--MENU-SEARCH-BOX-color);
border-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BORDER-color);
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border-color: var(--MENU-SEARCH-BOX-color);
background: var(--MENU-SEARCH-BG-color);
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background: var(--MENU-SECTIONS-ACTIVE-BG-color);
#sidebar .searchbox * {
color: var(--MENU-SEARCH-BOX-ICONS-color);
#sidebar a {
color: var(--MENU-SECTIONS-LINK-color);
#sidebar a:hover {
color: var(--MENU-SECTIONS-LINK-HOVER-color);
#sidebar ul > a {
background: var(--MENU-SECTION-ACTIVE-CATEGORY-BG-color);
color: var(--MENU-SECTION-ACTIVE-CATEGORY-color) !important;
#sidebar hr {
border-color: var(--MENU-SECTION-HR-color);
#body .tags a.tag-link {
background-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BG-color);
#body .tags a.tag-link:before {
border-right-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BG-color);
#homelinks {
background: var(--MENU-HEADER-BG-color);
background-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BORDER-color);
border-bottom-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BORDER-color);
#homelinks a {
color: var(--MENU-HOME-LINK-color);
#homelinks a:hover {
color: var(--MENU-HOME-LINK-HOVERED-color);

css/theme-red.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
--MAIN-TEXT-color:#323232; /* Color of text by default */
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--MENU-HOME-LINK-color: #ccc; /* Color of the home button text */
--MENU-HOME-LINK-HOVER-color: #e6e6e6; /* Color of the hovered home button text */
--MENU-HEADER-BG-color:#dc1010; /* Background color of menu header */
--MENU-HEADER-BORDER-color:#e23131; /*Color of menu header border */
--MENU-SEARCH-BG-color:#b90000; /* Search field background color (by default borders + icons) */
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--MENU-SECTIONS-ACTIVE-BG-color:#2b2020; /* Background color of the active section and its childs */
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--MENU-SECTIONS-LINK-color: #ccc; /* Color of links in menu */
--MENU-SECTIONS-LINK-HOVER-color: #e6e6e6; /* Color of links in menu, when hovered */
--MENU-SECTION-ACTIVE-CATEGORY-color: #777; /* Color of active category text */
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box-shadow: none;
h2, h3, h4, h5 {
color: var(--MAIN-TITLES-TEXT-color) !important;
a {
color: var(--MAIN-LINK-color);
.anchor {
color: var(--MAIN-ANCHOR-color);
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color: var(--MAIN-LINK-HOVER-color);
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color: var(--MENU-VISITED-color);
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width: 0%;
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-moz-transition: width 0.5s ease;
-ms-transition: width 0.5s ease;
transition: width 0.5s ease;
background-color: var(--MAIN-LINK-HOVER-color);
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background-color: var(--MENU-SECTIONS-BG-color);
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background: var(--MENU-HEADER-BG-color);
color: var(--MENU-SEARCH-BOX-color);
border-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BORDER-color);
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border-color: var(--MENU-SEARCH-BOX-color);
background: var(--MENU-SEARCH-BG-color);
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background: var(--MENU-SECTIONS-ACTIVE-BG-color);
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color: var(--MENU-SEARCH-BOX-ICONS-color);
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color: var(--MENU-SECTIONS-LINK-color);
#sidebar a:hover {
color: var(--MENU-SECTIONS-LINK-HOVER-color);
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background: var(--MENU-SECTION-ACTIVE-CATEGORY-BG-color);
color: var(--MENU-SECTION-ACTIVE-CATEGORY-color) !important;
#sidebar hr {
border-color: var(--MENU-SECTION-HR-color);
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background-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BG-color);
#body .tags a.tag-link:before {
border-right-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BG-color);
#homelinks {
background: var(--MENU-HEADER-BG-color);
background-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BORDER-color);
border-bottom-color: var(--MENU-HEADER-BORDER-color);
#homelinks a {
color: var(--MENU-HOME-LINK-color);
#homelinks a:hover {
color: var(--MENU-HOME-LINK-HOVERED-color);

css/theme.css Normal file

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fonts/Inconsolata.eot Normal file

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fonts/Inconsolata.svg Normal file

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fonts/Inconsolata.ttf Normal file

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fonts/Work_Sans_200.eot Normal file

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fonts/Work_Sans_200.svg Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 54 KiB

fonts/Work_Sans_200.ttf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/Work_Sans_200.woff Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/Work_Sans_200.woff2 Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/Work_Sans_300.eot Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/Work_Sans_300.svg Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 54 KiB

fonts/Work_Sans_300.ttf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/Work_Sans_300.woff Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/Work_Sans_300.woff2 Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/Work_Sans_500.eot Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/Work_Sans_500.svg Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 53 KiB

fonts/Work_Sans_500.ttf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/Work_Sans_500.woff Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/Work_Sans_500.woff2 Normal file

Binary file not shown.

images/clippy.svg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="896" height="1024"><path d="M128 768h256v64H128v-64zm320-384H128v64h320v-64zm128 192V448L384 640l192 192V704h320V576H576zm-288-64H128v64h160v-64zM128 704h160v-64H128v64zm576 64h64v128c-1 18-7 33-19 45s-27 18-45 19H64c-35 0-64-29-64-64V192c0-35 29-64 64-64h192C256 57 313 0 384 0s128 57 128 128h192c35 0 64 29 64 64v320h-64V320H64v576h640V768zM128 256h512c0-35-29-64-64-64h-64c-35 0-64-29-64-64s-29-64-64-64-64 29-64 64-29 64-64 64h-64c-35 0-64 29-64 64z"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 509 B

images/favicon.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 608 B

images/gopher-404.jpg Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 201 KiB

index.html Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

index.xml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom=""><channel><title>My New Hugo Site</title><link></link><description>Recent content on My New Hugo Site</description><generator>Hugo --</generator><language>en-us</language><atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/></channel></rss>

js/auto-complete.js Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

js/clipboard.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

js/featherlight.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

js/highlight.pack.js Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

js/hugo-learn.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
// Get Parameters from some url
var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sPageURL) {
var url = sPageURL.split('?');
var obj = {};
if (url.length == 2) {
var sURLVariables = url[1].split('&'),
for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) {
sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
obj[sParameterName[0]] = sParameterName[1];
return obj;
// Execute actions on images generated from Markdown pages
var images = $("div#body-inner img").not(".inline");
// Wrap image inside a featherlight (to get a full size view in a popup)
var image =$(this);
var o = getUrlParameter(image[0].src);
var f = o['featherlight'];
// IF featherlight is false, do not use feather light
if (f != 'false') {
if (!image.parent("a").length) {
return "<a href='" + image[0].src + "' data-featherlight='image'></a>";
// Change styles, depending on parameters set to the image
var image = $(this)
var o = getUrlParameter(image[0].src);
if (typeof o !== "undefined") {
var h = o["height"];
var w = o["width"];
var c = o["classes"];
image.css("width", function() {
if (typeof w !== "undefined") {
return w;
} else {
return "auto";
image.css("height", function() {
if (typeof h !== "undefined") {
return h;
} else {
return "auto";
if (typeof c !== "undefined") {
var classes = c.split(',');
for (i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
// Stick the top to the top of the screen when scrolling
$("#top-bar").sticky({topSpacing:0, zIndex: 1000});
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// Add link button for every
var text, clip = new ClipboardJS('.anchor');
$("h1~h2,h1~h3,h1~h4,h1~h5,h1~h6").append(function(index, html){
var element = $(this);
var url = encodeURI(document.location.origin + document.location.pathname);
var link = url + "#"+element[0].id;
return " <span class='anchor' data-clipboard-text='"+link+"'>" +
"<i class='fas fa-link fa-lg'></i>" +
$(".anchor").on('mouseleave', function(e) {
$(this).attr('aria-label', null).removeClass('tooltipped tooltipped-s tooltipped-w');
clip.on('success', function(e) {
$(e.trigger).attr('aria-label', 'Link copied to clipboard!').addClass('tooltipped tooltipped-s');
$('code.language-mermaid').each(function(index, element) {
var content = $(element).html().replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
$(element).parent().replaceWith('<div class="mermaid" align="center">' + content + '</div>');

js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

js/jquery.sticky.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
// Sticky Plugin v1.0.4 for jQuery
// =============
// Author: Anthony Garand
// Improvements by German M. Bravo (Kronuz) and Ruud Kamphuis (ruudk)
// Improvements by Leonardo C. Daronco (daronco)
// Created: 02/14/2011
// Date: 07/20/2015
// Website:
// Description: Makes an element on the page stick on the screen as you scroll
// It will only set the 'top' and 'position' of your element, you
// might need to adjust the width in some cases.
(function (factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// Node/CommonJS
module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
} else {
// Browser globals
}(function ($) {
var slice = Array.prototype.slice; // save ref to original slice()
var splice = Array.prototype.splice; // save ref to original slice()
var defaults = {
topSpacing: 0,
bottomSpacing: 0,
className: 'is-sticky',
wrapperClassName: 'sticky-wrapper',
center: false,
getWidthFrom: '',
widthFromWrapper: true, // works only when .getWidthFrom is empty
responsiveWidth: false,
zIndex: 'inherit'
$window = $(window),
$document = $(document),
sticked = [],
windowHeight = $window.height(),
scroller = function() {
var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(),
documentHeight = $document.height(),
dwh = documentHeight - windowHeight,
extra = (scrollTop > dwh) ? dwh - scrollTop : 0;
for (var i = 0, l = sticked.length; i < l; i++) {
var s = sticked[i],
elementTop = s.stickyWrapper.offset().top,
etse = elementTop - s.topSpacing - extra;
//update height in case of dynamic content
s.stickyWrapper.css('height', s.stickyElement.outerHeight());
if (scrollTop <= etse) {
if (s.currentTop !== null) {
'width': '',
'position': '',
'top': '',
'z-index': ''
s.stickyElement.trigger('sticky-end', [s]);
s.currentTop = null;
else {
var newTop = documentHeight - s.stickyElement.outerHeight()
- s.topSpacing - s.bottomSpacing - scrollTop - extra;
if (newTop < 0) {
newTop = newTop + s.topSpacing;
} else {
newTop = s.topSpacing;
if (s.currentTop !== newTop) {
var newWidth;
if (s.getWidthFrom) {
padding = s.stickyElement.innerWidth() - s.stickyElement.width();
newWidth = $(s.getWidthFrom).width() - padding || null;
} else if (s.widthFromWrapper) {
newWidth = s.stickyWrapper.width();
if (newWidth == null) {
newWidth = s.stickyElement.width();
.css('width', newWidth)
.css('position', 'fixed')
.css('top', newTop)
.css('z-index', s.zIndex);
if (s.currentTop === null) {
s.stickyElement.trigger('sticky-start', [s]);
} else {
// sticky is started but it have to be repositioned
s.stickyElement.trigger('sticky-update', [s]);
if (s.currentTop === s.topSpacing && s.currentTop > newTop || s.currentTop === null && newTop < s.topSpacing) {
// just reached bottom || just started to stick but bottom is already reached
s.stickyElement.trigger('sticky-bottom-reached', [s]);
} else if(s.currentTop !== null && newTop === s.topSpacing && s.currentTop < newTop) {
// sticky is started && sticked at topSpacing && overflowing from top just finished
s.stickyElement.trigger('sticky-bottom-unreached', [s]);
s.currentTop = newTop;
// Check if sticky has reached end of container and stop sticking
var stickyWrapperContainer = s.stickyWrapper.parent();
var unstick = (s.stickyElement.offset().top + s.stickyElement.outerHeight() >= stickyWrapperContainer.offset().top + stickyWrapperContainer.outerHeight()) && (s.stickyElement.offset().top <= s.topSpacing);
if( unstick ) {
.css('position', 'absolute')
.css('top', '')
.css('bottom', 0)
.css('z-index', '');
} else {
.css('position', 'fixed')
.css('top', newTop)
.css('bottom', '')
.css('z-index', s.zIndex);
resizer = function() {
windowHeight = $window.height();
for (var i = 0, l = sticked.length; i < l; i++) {
var s = sticked[i];
var newWidth = null;
if (s.getWidthFrom) {
if (s.responsiveWidth) {
newWidth = $(s.getWidthFrom).width();
} else if(s.widthFromWrapper) {
newWidth = s.stickyWrapper.width();
if (newWidth != null) {
s.stickyElement.css('width', newWidth);
methods = {
init: function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
var o = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
var stickyElement = $(this);
var stickyId = stickyElement.attr('id');
var wrapperId = stickyId ? stickyId + '-' + defaults.wrapperClassName : defaults.wrapperClassName;
var wrapper = $('<div></div>')
.attr('id', wrapperId)
stickyElement.wrapAll(function() {
if ($(this).parent("#" + wrapperId).length == 0) {
return wrapper;
var stickyWrapper = stickyElement.parent();
if ( {
if (stickyElement.css("float") === "right") {
o.stickyElement = stickyElement;
o.stickyWrapper = stickyWrapper;
o.currentTop = null;
setWrapperHeight: function(stickyElement) {
var element = $(stickyElement);
var stickyWrapper = element.parent();
if (stickyWrapper) {
stickyWrapper.css('height', element.outerHeight());
setupChangeListeners: function(stickyElement) {
if (window.MutationObserver) {
var mutationObserver = new window.MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
if (mutations[0].addedNodes.length || mutations[0].removedNodes.length) {
mutationObserver.observe(stickyElement, {subtree: true, childList: true});
} else {
if (window.addEventListener) {
stickyElement.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function() {
}, false);
stickyElement.addEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', function() {
}, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
stickyElement.attachEvent('onDOMNodeInserted', function() {
stickyElement.attachEvent('onDOMNodeRemoved', function() {
update: scroller,
unstick: function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
var that = this;
var unstickyElement = $(that);
var removeIdx = -1;
var i = sticked.length;
while (i-- > 0) {
if (sticked[i].stickyElement.get(0) === that) {,i,1);
removeIdx = i;
if(removeIdx !== -1) {
'width': '',
'position': '',
'top': '',
'float': '',
'z-index': ''
// should be more efficient than using $window.scroll(scroller) and $window.resize(resizer):
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('scroll', scroller, false);
window.addEventListener('resize', resizer, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent('onscroll', scroller);
window.attachEvent('onresize', resizer);
$.fn.sticky = function(method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.sticky');
$.fn.unstick = function(method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
return methods.unstick.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.sticky');
$(function() {
setTimeout(scroller, 0);

js/learn.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
// Scrollbar Width function
function getScrollBarWidth() {
var inner = document.createElement('p'); = "100%"; = "200px";
var outer = document.createElement('div'); = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "hidden"; = "200px"; = "150px"; = "hidden";
var w1 = inner.offsetWidth; = 'scroll';
var w2 = inner.offsetWidth;
if (w1 == w2) w2 = outer.clientWidth;
return (w1 - w2);
function setMenuHeight() {
$('#sidebar .highlightable').height($('#sidebar').innerHeight() - $('#header-wrapper').height() - 40);
$('#sidebar .highlightable').perfectScrollbar('update');
function fallbackMessage(action) {
var actionMsg = '';
var actionKey = (action === 'cut' ? 'X' : 'C');
if (/iPhone|iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
actionMsg = 'No support :(';
else if (/Mac/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
actionMsg = 'Press ⌘-' + actionKey + ' to ' + action;
else {
actionMsg = 'Press Ctrl-' + actionKey + ' to ' + action;
return actionMsg;
function switchTab(tabGroup, tabId) {
allTabItems = jQuery("[data-tab-group='"+tabGroup+"']");
targetTabItems = jQuery("[data-tab-group='"+tabGroup+"'][data-tab-item='"+tabId+"']");
// if event is undefined then switchTab was called from restoreTabSelection
// so it's not a button event and we don't need to safe the selction or
// prevent page jump
var isButtonEvent = event != undefined;
// save button position relative to viewport
var yposButton =;
// reset screen to the same position relative to clicked button to prevent page jump
var yposButtonDiff = - yposButton;
window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY+yposButtonDiff);
// Store the selection to make it persistent
var selectionsJSON = window.localStorage.getItem("tabSelections");
var tabSelections = JSON.parse(selectionsJSON);
var tabSelections = {};
tabSelections[tabGroup] = tabId;
window.localStorage.setItem("tabSelections", JSON.stringify(tabSelections));
function restoreTabSelections() {
var selectionsJSON = window.localStorage.getItem("tabSelections");
var tabSelections = JSON.parse(selectionsJSON);
var tabSelections = {};
Object.keys(tabSelections).forEach(function(tabGroup) {
var tabItem = tabSelections[tabGroup];
switchTab(tabGroup, tabItem);
// for the window resize
$(window).resize(function() {
// debouncing function from John Hann
(function($, sr) {
var debounce = function(func, threshold, execAsap) {
var timeout;
return function debounced() {
var obj = this, args = arguments;
function delayed() {
if (!execAsap)
func.apply(obj, args);
timeout = null;
if (timeout)
else if (execAsap)
func.apply(obj, args);
timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold || 100);
// smartresize
jQuery.fn[sr] = function(fn) { return fn ? this.bind('resize', debounce(fn)) : this.trigger(sr); };
})(jQuery, 'smartresize');
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('#sidebar .category-icon').on('click', function() {
$( this ).toggleClass("fa-angle-down fa-angle-right") ;
$( this ).parent().parent().children('ul').toggle() ;
return false;
var sidebarStatus = searchStatus = 'open';
$('#sidebar .highlightable').perfectScrollbar();
jQuery('#overlay').on('click', function() {
sidebarStatus = (jQuery(document.body).hasClass('sidebar-hidden') ? 'closed' : 'open');
return false;
jQuery('[data-sidebar-toggle]').on('click', function() {
sidebarStatus = (jQuery(document.body).hasClass('sidebar-hidden') ? 'closed' : 'open');
return false;
jQuery('[data-clear-history-toggle]').on('click', function() {
return false;
jQuery('[data-search-toggle]').on('click', function() {
if (sidebarStatus == 'closed') {
searchStatus = 'open';
return false;
searchStatus = (jQuery(document.body).hasClass('searchbox-hidden') ? 'closed' : 'open');
return false;
var ajax;
jQuery('[data-search-input]').on('input', function() {
var input = jQuery(this),
value = input.val(),
items = jQuery('[data-nav-id]');
if (!value.length) {
items.css('display', 'block');
$(".highlightable").unhighlight({ element: 'mark' })
sessionStorage.setItem('search-value', value);
$(".highlightable").unhighlight({ element: 'mark' }).highlight(value, { element: 'mark' });
if (ajax && ajax.abort) ajax.abort();
jQuery('[data-search-clear]').on('click', function() {
$(".highlightable").unhighlight({ element: 'mark' })
$.expr[":"].contains = $.expr.createPseudo(function(arg) {
return function( elem ) {
return $(elem).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(arg.toUpperCase()) >= 0;
if (sessionStorage.getItem('search-value')) {
var searchValue = sessionStorage.getItem('search-value')
var searchedElem = $('#body-inner').find(':contains(' + searchValue + ')').get(0);
if (searchedElem) {
var scrolledY = window.scrollY;
window.scroll(0, scrolledY - 125);
// clipboard
var clipInit = false;
$('code').each(function() {
var code = $(this),
text = code.text();
if (text.length > 5) {
if (!clipInit) {
var text, clip = new ClipboardJS('.copy-to-clipboard', {
text: function(trigger) {
text = $(trigger).prev('code').text();
return text.replace(/^\$\s/gm, '');
var inPre;
clip.on('success', function(e) {
inPre = $(e.trigger).parent().prop('tagName') == 'PRE';
$(e.trigger).attr('aria-label', 'Copied to clipboard!').addClass('tooltipped tooltipped-' + (inPre ? 'w' : 's'));
clip.on('error', function(e) {
inPre = $(e.trigger).parent().prop('tagName') == 'PRE';
$(e.trigger).attr('aria-label', fallbackMessage(e.action)).addClass('tooltipped tooltipped-' + (inPre ? 'w' : 's'));
$(document).one('copy', function(){
$(e.trigger).attr('aria-label', 'Copied to clipboard!').addClass('tooltipped tooltipped-' + (inPre ? 'w' : 's'));
clipInit = true;
code.after('<span class="copy-to-clipboard" title="Copy to clipboard" />');'.copy-to-clipboard').on('mouseleave', function() {
$(this).attr('aria-label', null).removeClass('tooltipped tooltipped-s tooltipped-w');
// allow keyboard control for prev/next links
jQuery(function() {
location.href = jQuery(this).attr('href');
jQuery('.nav-next').click(function() {
location.href = jQuery(this).attr('href');
jQuery('input, textarea').keydown(function (e) {
// left and right arrow keys
if (e.which == '37' || e.which == '39') {
jQuery(document).keydown(function(e) {
// prev links - left arrow key
if(e.which == '37') {
// next links - right arrow key
if(e.which == '39') {
$('#top-bar a:not(:has(img)):not(.btn)').addClass('highlight');
$('#body-inner a:not(:has(img)):not(.btn):not(a[rel="footnote"])').addClass('highlight');
var touchsupport = ('ontouchstart' in window) || (navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0)
if (!touchsupport){ // browser doesn't support touch
$('#toc-menu').hover(function() {
$('.progress').stop(true, false, true).fadeToggle(100);
$('.progress').hover(function() {
$('.progress').stop(true, false, true).fadeToggle(100);
if (touchsupport){ // browser does support touch
$('#toc-menu').click(function() {
$('.progress').stop(true, false, true).fadeToggle(100);
$('.progress').click(function() {
$('.progress').stop(true, false, true).fadeToggle(100);
* Fix anchor scrolling that hides behind top nav bar
* Courtesy of
* We could use pure css for this if only heading anchors were
* involved, but this works for any anchor, including footnotes
(function (document, history, location) {
var HISTORY_SUPPORT = !!(history && history.pushState);
var anchorScrolls = {
ANCHOR_REGEX: /^#[^ ]+$/,
* Establish events, and fix initial scroll position if a hash is provided.
init: function () {
$(window).on('hashchange', $.proxy(this, 'scrollToCurrent'));
$('body').on('click', 'a', $.proxy(this, 'delegateAnchors'));
* Return the offset amount to deduct from the normal scroll position.
* Modify as appropriate to allow for dynamic calculations
getFixedOffset: function () {
return this.OFFSET_HEIGHT_PX;
* If the provided href is an anchor which resolves to an element on the
* page, scroll to it.
* @param {String} href
* @return {Boolean} - Was the href an anchor.
scrollIfAnchor: function (href, pushToHistory) {
var match, anchorOffset;
if (!this.ANCHOR_REGEX.test(href)) {
return false;
match = document.getElementById(href.slice(1));
if (match) {
anchorOffset = $(match).offset().top - this.getFixedOffset();
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: anchorOffset });
// Add the state to history as-per normal anchor links
if (HISTORY_SUPPORT && pushToHistory) {
history.pushState({}, document.title, location.pathname + href);
return !!match;
* Attempt to scroll to the current location's hash.
scrollToCurrent: function (e) {
if (this.scrollIfAnchor(window.location.hash) && e) {
* If the click event's target was an anchor, fix the scroll position.
delegateAnchors: function (e) {
var elem =;
if (this.scrollIfAnchor(elem.getAttribute('href'), true)) {
$(document).ready($.proxy(anchorScrolls, 'init'));
})(window.document, window.history, window.location);
jQuery(window).on('load', function() {
// store this page in session
sessionStorage.setItem(jQuery('body').data('url'), 1);
// loop through the sessionStorage and see if something should be marked as visited
for (var url in sessionStorage) {
if (sessionStorage.getItem(url) == 1) jQuery('[data-nav-id="' + url + '"]').addClass('visited');
$(".highlightable").highlight(sessionStorage.getItem('search-value'), { element: 'mark' });
$(function() {
root: 'section#body'
highlight: function(node, re, nodeName, className) {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
var match =;
if (match) {
var highlight = document.createElement(nodeName || 'span');
highlight.className = className || 'highlight';
var wordNode = node.splitText(match.index);
var wordClone = wordNode.cloneNode(true);
wordNode.parentNode.replaceChild(highlight, wordNode);
return 1; //skip added node in parent
} else if ((node.nodeType === 1 && node.childNodes) && // only element nodes that have children
!/(script|style)/i.test(node.tagName) && // ignore script and style nodes
!(node.tagName === nodeName.toUpperCase() && node.className === className)) { // skip if already highlighted
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
i += jQuery.highlight(node.childNodes[i], re, nodeName, className);
return 0;
jQuery.fn.unhighlight = function(options) {
var settings = {
className: 'highlight',
element: 'span'
jQuery.extend(settings, options);
return this.find(settings.element + "." + settings.className).each(function() {
var parent = this.parentNode;
parent.replaceChild(this.firstChild, this);
jQuery.fn.highlight = function(words, options) {
var settings = {
className: 'highlight',
element: 'span',
caseSensitive: false,
wordsOnly: false
jQuery.extend(settings, options);
if (!words) { return; }
if (words.constructor === String) {
words = [words];
words = jQuery.grep(words, function(word, i) {
return word != '';
words =, function(word, i) {
return word.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
if (words.length == 0) { return this; }
var flag = settings.caseSensitive ? "" : "i";
var pattern = "(" + words.join("|") + ")";
if (settings.wordsOnly) {
pattern = "\\b" + pattern + "\\b";
var re = new RegExp(pattern, flag);
return this.each(function() {
jQuery.highlight(this, re, settings.element, settings.className);

js/lunr.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

js/perfect-scrollbar.jquery.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

js/perfect-scrollbar.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

js/search.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
var lunrIndex, pagesIndex;
function endsWith(str, suffix) {
return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
// Initialize lunrjs using our generated index file
function initLunr() {
if (!endsWith(baseurl,"/")){
baseurl = baseurl+'/'
// First retrieve the index file
$.getJSON(baseurl +"index.json")
.done(function(index) {
pagesIndex = index;
// Set up lunrjs by declaring the fields we use
// Also provide their boost level for the ranking
lunrIndex = lunr(function() {
this.field('title', {
boost: 15
this.field('tags', {
boost: 10
this.field("content", {
boost: 5
// Feed lunr with each file and let lunr actually index them
pagesIndex.forEach(function(page) {
}, this);
.fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
var err = textStatus + ", " + error;
console.error("Error getting Hugo index file:", err);
* Trigger a search in lunr and transform the result
* @param {String} query
* @return {Array} results
function search(queryTerm) {
// Find the item in our index corresponding to the lunr one to have more info
return"^100"+" "+queryTerm+"*^10"+" "+"*"+queryTerm+"^10"+" "+queryTerm+"~2^1").map(function(result) {
return pagesIndex.filter(function(page) {
return page.uri === result.ref;
// Let's get started
$( document ).ready(function() {
var searchList = new autoComplete({
/* selector for the search box element */
selector: $("#search-by").get(0),
/* source is the callback to perform the search */
source: function(term, response) {
/* renderItem displays individual search results */
renderItem: function(item, term) {
var numContextWords = 2;
var text = item.content.match(
"(?:\\s?(?:[\\w]+)\\s?){0,"+numContextWords+"}" +
item.context = text;
var divcontext = document.createElement("div");
divcontext.className = "context";
divcontext.innerText = (item.context || '');
var divsuggestion = document.createElement("div");
divsuggestion.className = "autocomplete-suggestion";
divsuggestion.setAttribute("data-term", term);
divsuggestion.setAttribute("data-title", item.title);
divsuggestion.setAttribute("data-uri", item.uri);
divsuggestion.setAttribute("data-context", item.context);
divsuggestion.innerText = '» ' + item.title;
return divsuggestion.outerHTML;
/* onSelect callback fires when a search suggestion is chosen */
onSelect: function(e, term, item) {
location.href = item.getAttribute('data-uri');

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom=""><channel><title>Tags on My New Hugo Site</title><link></link><description>Recent content in Tags on My New Hugo Site</description><generator>Hugo --</generator><language>en-us</language><atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/></channel></rss>

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