baseURL: "" languageCode: "en-us" title: "Tombleson Family Cookbook" #theme: "" theme: "" enableEmoji: true features: - "disqus" - "photoswipe" - "opengraph" - "widgets" - "darkmode" - "table of contents" - "search" #taxonomies: # tag: "tags" # cuisines: "cuisine" # courses: "course" # Used to bring the /tags/ forward preserveTaxonomyNames: true sitemap: changefreq: monthly filename: sitemap.xml priority: 0.5 links: - title: GitHub description: GitHub is the world's largest software development platform. website: image: params: mainSections: - recipes featuredImageField: image rssFullContent: true #favicon: sidebar: compact: true emoji: true article: math: false toc: false readingTime: false #license: # enabled: true # default: Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 widgets: homepage: - type: search - type: archives params: limit: 5 - type: categories params: limit: 10 - type: tag-cloud params: limit: 10 page: - type: toc colorScheme: # Display toggle toggle: true # Available values: auto, light, dark default: auto imageProcessing: cover: enabled: false content: enabled: false menu: main: [] #name: title (optional) #weight: -90 #params: # icon: icon-name social: - identifier: github name: GitHub url: params: icon: brand-github - identifier: twitter name: Twitter url: params: icon: brand-twitter related: includeNewer: true threshold: 60 toLower: false indices: - name: tags weight: 100 - name: categories weight: 200 #params: # hugo-cookbook params #DisplayRssButton: true ## This tells the theme to use the list display view #UseListRows: true ## Enable this line to use the card view #UseCardView: true