--- menu: main: name: Home weight: -100 params: icon: home --- # Cookbook Welcome to the personal cookbook of [James Tombleson](https://github.com/jtom38/cookbook)! This site contains recipies that my family likes to cook and stored in a easy location that we can use on a tablet. The reason this site exists is so we can archive the recipies that we find online. We have had sites go offline and had to use the [Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/) to try to recover them. This does not always work so thats why I wanted to make this site. I dont want to lose anymore recipies that my family loves. With this being a website, we can also share the recipies with family, friends, and now you! You will be able to find everything that we have stored here! This is a work in progress so things will be added over time. If you use github and find this helpful, leave a star to let me know you like it! ## Theme The theme is custom and will be seperated from the site at a later time. For now, its sill very much in the works and not something that is ready for primetime. ## Built With - [hugo](https://gohugo.io) - [bulma css](https://bulma.io) - [hugo theme](https://github.com/jtom38/cookbook/tree/master/themes/hugo-bulma-cookbook) If you want to see some of the other things I am working on, check out my [github page](https://github.com/jtom38)!