features/working-on-scopes #13

jtom38 merged 28 commits from features/working-on-scopes into main 2024-04-04 15:31:54 -07:00
1 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 02c6f4aae7 - Show all commits

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@ -84,7 +84,10 @@ func (h *Handler) generateAdminJwt(username string) (string, error) {
claims["exp"] = time.Now().Add(10 * time.Minute)
claims["authorized"] = true
claims["username"] = username
claims["scopes"] = domain.ScopeAll
var scopes []string
scopes = append(scopes, domain.ScopeAll)
claims["scopes"] = scopes
tokenString, err := token.SignedString(secret)
if err != nil {