CREATE TABLE Articles ( ID uuid PRIMARY KEY, SourceId uuid NOT null, Tags TEXT NOT NULL, Title TEXT NOT NULL, Url TEXT NOT NULL, PubDate timestamp NOT NULL, Video TEXT, VideoHeight int NOT NULL, VideoWidth int NOT NULL, Thumbnail TEXT NOT NULL, Description TEXT NOT NULL, AuthorName TEXT, AuthorImage TEXT ); CREATE Table DiscordQueue ( ID uuid PRIMARY KEY, ArticleId uuid NOT NULL ); CREATE Table DiscordWebHooks ( ID uuid PRIMARY KEY, Url TEXT NOT NULL, -- Webhook Url Server TEXT NOT NULL, -- Defines the server its bound it. Used for refrence Channel TEXT NOT NULL, -- Defines the channel its bound to. Used for refrence Enabled BOOLEAN NOT NULL ); CREATE Table Icons ( ID uuid PRIMARY Key, FileName TEXT NOT NULL, Site TEXT NOT NULL ); Create Table Settings ( ID uuid PRIMARY Key, Key TEXT NOT NULL, Value TEXT NOT NULL, Options TEXT ); Create Table Sources ( ID uuid PRIMARY Key, Site TEXT NOT NULL, -- Vanity name Name TEXT NOT NULL, -- Defines the name of the source. IE: dadjokes Source TEXT NOT NULL, -- Defines the service that will use this reocrd. IE reddit or youtube Type TEXT NOT NULL, -- Defines what kind of feed this is. feed, user, tag Value TEXT, Enabled BOOLEAN NOT NULL, Url TEXT NOT NULL, Tags TEXT NOT NULL, Deleted BOOLEAN ); /* This table is used to track what the Web Hook wants to have sent by Source */; Create TABLE Subscriptions ( ID uuid Primary Key, DiscordWebHookID uuid Not Null, SourceID uuid Not Null );