James Tombleson 2b959e140c
Features/reddit and dto (#2)
* updated db calls to new endpoints.  Not all are finished yet

* updated models to use the new dto objects to hide orm values

* updated reddit to build articles based on what type of post it is

* getting reddit ready to post the articles to the db

* Now able to post to the db under the new DTO object

* moved the reddit model to articles model to the struct and out of main
2022-04-07 14:53:40 -07:00

54 lines
1.6 KiB

package model
// This is the root Json object. It does not contain data that we care about though.
type RedditJsonContent struct {
Kind string `json:"kind"`
Data RedditJsonContentData `json:"data"`
type RedditJsonContentData struct {
After string `json:"after"`
Dist int `json:"dist"`
Modhash string `json:"modhash"`
Children []RedditJsonContentChildren `json:"children"`
type RedditJsonContentChildren struct {
Kind string `json:"kind"`
Data RedditPost `json:"data"`
// RedditPost contains the information that was posted by a user.
type RedditPost struct {
Subreddit string `json:"subreddit"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Content string `json:"selftext"`
ContentHtml string `json:"selftext_html"`
Author string `json:"author"`
Permalink string `json:"permalink"`
IsVideo bool `json:"is_video"`
Media RedditPostMedia `json:"media"`
Url string `json:"url"`
UrlOverriddenByDest string `json:"url_overridden_by_dest"`
Thumbnail string `json:"thumbnail"`
// RedditPostMedia defines if the post contains a video that is hosted on Reddit.
type RedditPostMedia struct {
RedditVideo RedditPostMediaRedditVideo `json:"reddit_video"`
// RedditVideo contains information about the video in the post.
type RedditPostMediaRedditVideo struct {
BitrateKbps int `json:"bitrate_kpbs"`
FallBackUrl string `json:"fallback_url"`
Height int `json:"height"`
Width int `json:"width"`
ScrubberMediaUrl string `json:"scrubber_media_url"`
DashUrl string `json:"dash_url"`
Duration int `json:"duration"`
HlsUrl string `json:"hls_url"`
IsGif bool `json:"is_gif"`
TranscodingStatus string `json:"transcoding_status"`